Friday, September 13, 2019

Week 2

Another week done and also not to difficult for me. Still got to work on getting things done sooner, still got to pay close attention to details. But like always, I'm prepared to be better. the support motivates me to keep moving forward and it should for everyone of us. I hope all is well so far!


  1. Nice self-reflection :-) Very glad to hear the course is not too difficult for you and you are prepared to be better! Keep up the excellent work Khalid ^_^

  2. Today in class was very difficult for me. I am scared of this class but I am going to give it my best shot.

  3. My time management skills could be better too.

  4. In my opinion its really good to reflect on the week and see what you change to make your life better.

  5. It's hard to manage the time and dedicate to this class cause of life but we can do this.

  6. I struggle with being proactive, but the best thing about knowing you flaw is knowing what needs to be fixed and acting on it.

  7. I feel you on needing to pay more attention. Sometimes my will moves faster than my mind and I miss a ton of things.

  8. I can some what relate to you about the attention to detail.

  9. I also miss out the details of assignments because I try to work fast.

  10. I push things off too much and make little mistakes.
