Sunday, September 1, 2019

First Impression of IS 101

Overall, I believe IS 101 is a well organized class that will benefit me throughout my college years and life in general. I sense a great class in place; It'll be challenging, but I will handle the load because it will help me grow professionally. I appreciate the healthy energy from the instructor and students. I will try my best to fulfill any expectations.  I am excited to see how well I can keep up with the class!


  1. I'm elated to hear this well organized course will benefit you :-) Yes, it will be challenging and seeing your focus on the first class session, I think you will conquer any challenge coming your way! Welcome to IS101-3026 Khalid ^_^

  2. Hey Khalid, that is all the professor is asking is from us to do our best. I feel that you are going to do great.

  3. IS101 will challenge me as well Khalid

  4. Agreed, the organization is mind blowing.

  5. I bet all of us will succeed in the class if you ever need help do not be shy and ask!

  6. We will all be successful, especially if we work with our classmates and Professor Wu as we need help.

  7. Challenges build character. I'm glad to be learning along side so many talented individuals. I'm excited for the next class.

  8. This class is like every other class we take challenging, and we got this.

  9. I agree that the workload is great but, I know that it will help me in my future.

  10. I was not organized at all before this course, it's changing me for the better already!
