Friday, September 27, 2019

Road to Glory

For a bit, I've been trying to get the most muscle mass possibly but also able to move fast as possible too. My ideal weight is 240 lbs and I'm actually close to it weighing 237lbs. But gaining 3 pounds of muscle is harder then you think. especially with my metabolism. If I happen to skip a meal one day, the next day I would 2-3 pounds lighter just like that. Wish me luck on this journey!

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Wedding At Yosemite

Image result for yosemite

This past weekend I visited Yosemite National park for a wedding and it was much better then i expected. I'm not a man of nature but it was pretty cool seeing more green then usual down here in Vegas. This is one of the most famous spots to hike in Yosemite. 

Friday, September 13, 2019

Week 2

Another week done and also not to difficult for me. Still got to work on getting things done sooner, still got to pay close attention to details. But like always, I'm prepared to be better. the support motivates me to keep moving forward and it should for everyone of us. I hope all is well so far!

Sunday, September 1, 2019

First Impression of IS 101

Overall, I believe IS 101 is a well organized class that will benefit me throughout my college years and life in general. I sense a great class in place; It'll be challenging, but I will handle the load because it will help me grow professionally. I appreciate the healthy energy from the instructor and students. I will try my best to fulfill any expectations.  I am excited to see how well I can keep up with the class!