Saturday, October 19, 2019

Word Certified

Finally came down to the exam and I actually past it on the first try! Not  going to lie I thought  it was going to be much more difficult but it was pretty straight forward. I appreciate what is done in class to help me pass the test. So thank you again Mr. Wu.
Image result for thumbs up

Saturday, October 12, 2019

New Background

I got tired of seeing a generic background for my blog page so I had to spice it up. I put the comic book character "Carnage" from spiderman issues in the background, ripping off the symbiote, Venom, of his host. Carnage has been my favorite comic book character ever since I was a kid. I mainly love the appearance of him and the meaning of his name, which made him someone to fear. Sounds geeky but I don't care.
Image result for carnage

Saturday, October 5, 2019


Image result for khalid walker

I see everyone presenting their hobbies so i feel like i should present one of mine. I train athletes to get bigger and stronger, build their footwork and techniques. I'm sure i know how the responses are going to turn out but Ill still ask; does that sound like an interesting topic ?

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Gun Law

Just out of curiosity, do you think that gun laws will actually impact a difference within our community? I understand the thought process of most, "less guns, less problems" which in some cases is true, but not all. I do believe obtaining an assault rifle at all is unnecessary, but the talk of exterminating ALL guns doesn't make sense to me. I, and those who are from communities like mine before, know the issue with that statement. Where i grew up, no one had guns legally. A LOT of have guns illegally. So only thing that a gun law will do is leave those defenseless against those with illegal weapons. My point is you cant stop people from getting guns. Guns will for ever be in our country with a law in place or not. Guns are stolen from stores, shipped from other countries, etc. People are even manufacturing guns with 3D printers at home now so the possibility of have guns is limitless. Something should be changed, but getting rid of rights of protecting yourself isn't a smart move at all.